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Our timely insights share informed perspectives on the rapidly evolving story of Election Technology, as it unfolds.

Towards an AI Research Agenda for Elections and Beyond (Part 3)
This is the 3rd of three posts of a 4-part series on responsible domain-specific AI research. Last time, John posted his 2nd part of this longer commentary about the AI research agenda that’s necessary for elections specifically, and a lot of government usage generally. Having explained the particular needs of use in election administration, this time he offers clarity about the needs for government computing and/or public-benefit generally.…

Towards an AI Research Agenda for Elections and Beyond (Part 2)
This is the 2nd of three posts of a 4-part series on responsible domain-specific AI research. Last time, John focused on a couple of prerequisite points relevant to the general idea. This time he delves more acutely into AI-driven “domain specific” natural language agents (NLAs), starting with usage in elections…

Towards an AI Research Agenda for Elections and Beyond (Part 1)
In this, first of three posts of a 4-part series, CTO John Sebes examines the AI needs in election technology. He focuses his remarks on text-based generative AI, the technology behind “chat-bots” and other kinds of natural language agents (NLAs). There’s plenty to say about AI more broadly, but NL AI is the tech that can meet important needs in human assistance, specifically NLAs that are “domain specific”…

Shifting the Conversation from “Shoring-up” to “Re-engineering”
This afternoon a bipartisan group of authorities on election administration and cybersecurity presented a Congressional Briefing on current election security challenges facing federal and state policymakers. While it was a worthy discussion, I keep having this sinking feeling that we’re simply re-arranging furniture on the deck of a large cruise ship steaming toward an icebreaker in the dark…

Oh, Canada: Major Election Technology Research Collaboration with Elections Ontario
San-Francisco, CA — GET Summit We're announcing today, Day-2 of the Global Election Technology Summit underway in San Francisco, a unique collaboration with a Canadian partner, Elections Ontario....

Wharton-OSET Election Technology Industry Study Released
The OSET Institute and Penn Wharton Public Policy Initiative released a new study today, over a year in development, that provides a business analysis of the structure and outlook of the voting machine industry. Wharton made a 2-minute video overview to provide a very high-level overview . . .
Announcing Collaboration to Produce Global Election Technology Industry Study
This week the Wharton School together with its Public Policy Institute and the OSET Foundation announced an important industry research project to further inform business, government, and philanthropy on the state of the global election technology industry. The research team is comprised of two principal investigators: Dr. Lorin Hitt of Wharton and Gregory Miller of the OSET Foundation, leading six Wharton students, and managed by Andrew Coopersmith of the Penn Wharton Public Policy Initiative ...