News & Insights
We’re Making History in Real Time.
Our timely insights share informed perspectives on the rapidly evolving story of Election Technology, as it unfolds.

Visualizing Election Uncertainty
Our top data visualization wrangler, EJ Fox is now working on a highly relevant and timely effort to gather insights on how to best visualize election data. Longer term, this is part of our data analytics and reporting subsystem work of ElectOS called VoteStream. EJ is focused on how different newsrooms are preparing to visualize uncertainty (e.g., uncounted ballots and more) for the 2020 election. And this work starts with a brief open survey…

A Major Breakthrough Development in the Innovation of Election Technology
On Thursday March 14th it was announced that the Defense Department Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) System Security Integration Through Hardware and Firmware (SSITH) Program has selected Galois, a premier computer science company and a security engineering partner of the OSET Institute, to develop a public prototype voting system in order to demonstrate the Program’s advancements in hardware and system security. This is an enormously pivotal piece of news in the mission to innovate election technology infrastructure to be Verifiable, Accurate, Secure, and Transparent (the “VAST mandate'“)…

2018: OSET Institute Year in Review
Happy new year! It’s been quite a year in many ways, not the least of which was considerable progress on the mission of the OSET Institute and our TrustTheVote Project. We write on this last day to give you a first look at our 2018 Annual Review.

Veteran Voting Systems Vendor Executive Joins the Institute
Today we share the news that Edward “Eddie” Perez, formerly Director of Product Management for voting system vendor Hart InterCivic® has joined the OSET Institute's leadership team, as Global Director of Technology. This is some really big news for lots of reasons…

OSET Institute to Attend Copenhagen Democracy Summit
We have some big news to share today: Members of our leadership team at the Institute have been personally invited to attend the inaugural Global Democracy Summit in Copenhagen, Denmark this week focused on improving the integrity and security of elections…

Recounting Cyberscoop's SF CyberTalks Election Security Panel
Our CTO John Sebes was a featured speaker at Cyberscoop’s recent San Francisco CyberTalks held last week in downtown San Francisco. A huge success, SF CyberTalks was a TED-like conference for the cyber-security leadership community that brought together top influential leaders from the cyber-security community, technology industry and the government. We recap the Election Security Panel discussion John participated on, including recaps of his comments and answers to the moderator’s questions.

Senate Intelligence Committee Announces Election Security Recommendations
The Senate Select Committee on Intelligence (SSCI) offered up its first set of draft recommendations today (Tuesday) from its on-going investigation of foreign intervention in American sovereignty—specifically our election processes including both campaigns and electioneering, and the actual process of election administration. They were announced earlier today with a press conference held by the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence. Those draft SSCI recommendations are as follows in this article with some commentary of our own...

Venerable Technology Visionary John Gage Joins OSET Institute Board
The OSET Institute announces today that veteran technologist John Gage has joined its Board of Directors. How kewl is this? I mean the venerable Gage is like the “Yoda of Silicon Valley,” right? After all, he coined the phrase, “The network is the computer.” But this news is particularly important in light of our mission and John's experience...

Critical Democracy Infrastructure: Our Briefing Launches
We are pleased to announce the release of the OSET Institute’s Critical Democracy Infrastructure (CDI) Briefing. It’s been over a year in development. Early review by several in Government, Media, and Advisors tell us this may be the most important publication on the issue of election infrastructure yet. We humbly hope so. This Briefing provides a thorough review of the technology infrastructure of election administration and operation. We address its critical nature and what is required for it to be treated as such, and assess the challenges of official designation, as well as the immediate and longer-term challenges to protecting this vital aspect of our democracy...

Oh, Canada: Major Election Technology Research Collaboration with Elections Ontario
San-Francisco, CA — GET Summit We're announcing today, Day-2 of the Global Election Technology Summit underway in San Francisco, a unique collaboration with a Canadian partner, Elections Ontario....

Addressing the Impact of Voter Data Tampering
We are often asked to explain the impact of compromised voter data and we realized today that given some very relevant integrity engineering going on in the TrustTheVote Project its worth revisiting that for new citizens following our work, especially the growing #unhackthevote community.....

National Academies Wades Into The Future of Voting Technology Question
The esteemed National Academies of Sciences, Engineering & Medicine recently announced the formation of the “Committee on the Future of Voting: Accessible, Reliable, Verifiable Technology.” Their Study will take up topics in four areas all of which we have developed domain expertise in for 10-years. We're excited to support their efforts...

Wharton-OSET Election Technology Industry Study Released
The OSET Institute and Penn Wharton Public Policy Initiative released a new study today, over a year in development, that provides a business analysis of the structure and outlook of the voting machine industry. Wharton made a 2-minute video overview to provide a very high-level overview . . .

Announcing: Our Story in a New 2-Minute Video
Today we’re launching our story, in a 2-minute video developed by a team led by Meegan Gregg, our Director of Citizen Outreach. It involved an enormously generous grant from XPLANE .....

Announcing the Pennsylvania Canvasser App
The TrustTheVote Project is proud to announce the launch of the Pennsylvania Voter Registration App developed in partnership with Rock the Vote, Pennsylvania Voice, and the office of the Pennsylvania Secretary of State. This first in the nation mobile App is the culmination of over a year of work and marks a significant improvement in the voting experience for the citizens of Pennsylvania....