News & Insights
We’re Making History in Real Time.
Our timely insights share informed perspectives on the rapidly evolving story of Election Technology, as it unfolds.
Showtime: OSET to Participate at DNC Convention on "Future of Democracy"
We are totally excited about an amazing opportunity tomorrow, Tuesday July 26th, to appear at an event as part of the Democrat National Convention. We'll be launching a new video...

Discussing Voter Participation Innovation at the White House
Today, our own Meegan Gregg, Director of Citizen Outreach, is participating in a planning workshop in advance of a Civic Initiative Kickoff Summit at the White House scheduled for later this summer. We are honored to be included in a conversation and planning session where the importance of innovating the ultimate act of voting itself is finally being incorporated into the discussion about innovating civic and voter engagement in general .....
Rebooting Democracy: OSET at the Atlantic Council
On Tuesday morning, we are honored to have our Co-Founder and Chief Development Officer, Gregory Miller participating in an invitation round table discussing this new report published this week by the Atlantic Council, authored by Connie McCormack. You can watch the web cast of this event here starting at 9:00AM EDT in Washington, D.C. .....
Supporting San Francisco's Open Source Leadership
We call to our reader's attention the approaching budget deadline in San Francisco to fund the launch of their open source voting system initiative and to make an announcement of our own in that regard.
Announcing Collaboration to Produce Global Election Technology Industry Study
This week the Wharton School together with its Public Policy Institute and the OSET Foundation announced an important industry research project to further inform business, government, and philanthropy on the state of the global election technology industry. The research team is comprised of two principal investigators: Dr. Lorin Hitt of Wharton and Gregory Miller of the OSET Foundation, leading six Wharton students, and managed by Andrew Coopersmith of the Penn Wharton Public Policy Initiative ...
Voter Services Portal: Open Source Innovation
The Voter Services Portal component of the Open Source Election Technology Framework is a freely available highly extensible online voter registration platform that can cut the cost of States' and jurisdictions' custom development by as much as 75% and reduce the time to develop and deploy from months or more to merely a few weeks. Why wouldn't any jurisdiction moving to online voter services strongly consider this freely available source code, open for innovation? That's the whole point of our non-profit technology R&D effort: increase confidence in elections and their outcomes by offering technology innovations that can be easily adopted, adapted, and deployed. Sure, there are costs associated with adaptation and deployment; after all, open source does not necessarily mean free source. But the time and taxpayer dollars savings should make this an easy decision...
Making Elections Data Open Data: The Sequel
Today, members of the Core Team are in Vail, Colorado at the IACREOT Conference to unveil the next phase of VoteStream, the elections results and reporting subsystem of our Open Source Election Technology Framework. This is an awesome day, and we owe a great deal of thanks to the Knight Foundation for continuing to support this important part of the Framework.
Its Time to Talk Policy @Techonomy
OSET Foundation will participate in Tuesday's Techonomy Policy Summit in D.C. Here are the details...
Driving Online Voter Registration Data Standards
We're helping the formation of a new study group regarding online voter registration data and protocol standards. This week, we're getting started. You need not be a geek or a member of the standards working groups or any kind of a techie to get involved. Here's the opportunity to engage...
NCSL Convenes Policy & Election Technology Summit
NCSL Conference on Policy and Elections Technology is in full swing in Santa Fe, New Mexico. Our Chief Development Officer is set to participate in an interesting panel on the future of elections technology in a post-HAVA funded world. We have a position document responding to several questions posed to us in advance of the conference available for download...
OSET Foundation Comments "Key" to USPTO Service Announcement
Intellectual property is a key ingredient to our work. Monitoring developments relevant to that work is important. Suggestions we urged the USPTO to consider in order to improve 3rd party submission of prior art and crowd-sourcing prior art appear to have been adopted with their recent announcement of a new Patent Application Alert System. This is will be a very useful tool for us and many. We applaud the USPTO and are humbled they appear to have fully adopted our comments.
Launch of New Election Technology Forum
The Foundation announces launch of new election technology news and information channel, Election Technology News (Election-Tech), an eMail listserv forum (with full RSS-syndication support) available to elections professionals everywhere, supported and managed by the OSET Foundation, and powered by ListBox and Attensa.
Its Our Birthday! A Reflection on How We Do What We Do
Wow. How time flies. Its our birthday this week! (Monday the 17th to be precise; it was a Friday in November 2006.) We are 8-years old! You know, that's a long life by the measure of most commercial technology ventures. But a bit different as a non-profit technology venture. So, we wanted to post something today in honor of our birthday and the progress we've made. Please read on...

Rock the Registration Day!
On National Voter Registration Day, we note that The TrustTheVote Project is behind an open source effort to innovate online voter registration tools for States and public registration services. Here's the back story.

Expanding Our Leadership Assures Our Potential
So, by now you may have seen the news. We were stoked on Tuesday to announce former Facebook executive Chris Kelly has joined our Foundation’s Board of Directors while the former U.S. CTO Aneesh Chopra has joined as a strategic adviser. Today, I want to share some more about what this means for us, and for the TrustTheVote Project.
In short, this is a big deal. In many ways.