News & Insights
We’re Making History in Real Time.
Our timely insights share informed perspectives on the rapidly evolving story of Election Technology, as it unfolds.

Critical Democracy Infrastructure: Our Briefing Launches
We are pleased to announce the release of the OSET Institute’s Critical Democracy Infrastructure (CDI) Briefing. It’s been over a year in development. Early review by several in Government, Media, and Advisors tell us this may be the most important publication on the issue of election infrastructure yet. We humbly hope so. This Briefing provides a thorough review of the technology infrastructure of election administration and operation. We address its critical nature and what is required for it to be treated as such, and assess the challenges of official designation, as well as the immediate and longer-term challenges to protecting this vital aspect of our democracy...
Finally, Gov Starts Talking About Critical Democracy Infrastructure
This week the Government started earnest discussions about election infrastructure as possibly rising to the level of critical infrastructure. Like us, we think they're sensing that this coming general election is ripe for disruption, both from foreign operator but potentially even domestic actors. We think this is a great idea, but not without the required action to make it really happen. Designations are start, but there is a bunch of work to be done...