News & Insights
We’re Making History in Real Time.
Our timely insights share informed perspectives on the rapidly evolving story of Election Technology, as it unfolds.

Into the (Voting) Wild
Alaska will allow absentee voters to submit their ballot via a "secure online voting solution", aka e-mail. We're holding our breath.

Our Midterm 2014 Election Predictions
Disruptions. Glitches. Delays. Oh My! We make our predictions for the voting snags you should expect on Election Day.

NYT: Smartphone Voting? TrustTheVote: No, But How About This … DIY Voter Lookup
Much as I admire everybody at the New York Times, I have to disagree with Nick Bilton on his piece Disruptions: Casting a Ballot by Smartphone. I have to say I don't blame him though, especially given the broad range of coverage of the many many kinds election dysfunction that occurred and are still occurring now during state canvassing....