News & Insights
We’re Making History in Real Time.
Our timely insights share informed perspectives on the rapidly evolving story of Election Technology, as it unfolds.
Voter Services Portal: Open Source Innovation
The Voter Services Portal component of the Open Source Election Technology Framework is a freely available highly extensible online voter registration platform that can cut the cost of States' and jurisdictions' custom development by as much as 75% and reduce the time to develop and deploy from months or more to merely a few weeks. Why wouldn't any jurisdiction moving to online voter services strongly consider this freely available source code, open for innovation? That's the whole point of our non-profit technology R&D effort: increase confidence in elections and their outcomes by offering technology innovations that can be easily adopted, adapted, and deployed. Sure, there are costs associated with adaptation and deployment; after all, open source does not necessarily mean free source. But the time and taxpayer dollars savings should make this an easy decision...

Ms. Voting Matters Explains: Online Voter Registration
Ms. Voting Matters tackles all your Online Voter Registration questions.

Rock the Registration Day!
On National Voter Registration Day, we note that The TrustTheVote Project is behind an open source effort to innovate online voter registration tools for States and public registration services. Here's the back story.