News & Insights
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Our timely insights share informed perspectives on the rapidly evolving story of Election Technology, as it unfolds.

Prioritizing People in Election Infrastructure Procurement
In multiple states, investigations have found that wasteful spending, conflicts of interest, and other issues otherwise addressed directly by federal regulations, were prevalent in procurements for election infrastructure. There is a solution for this as Dennis Mema of our Government Relations team recently wrote in the ABA Journal of Public Contracts Law…

Examining the Georgia State Voting System Cost Projection
The OSET Institute closely follows all developments in election technology infrastructure, because it’s essential to the defense of democracy. Lately, one topic that has garnered more public attention is the process by which state and local jurisdictions assess, select, and procure voting technology. One in particular, Georgia, has garnered much attention, and rightly so. There are some very unusual cost justifications underway; and the math is not adding up. Not. Even. Close. The OSET Institute took a measured examination of what the costing should really look like. Something is not right in Georgia.