News & Insights
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Our timely insights share informed perspectives on the rapidly evolving story of Election Technology, as it unfolds.

The Unhandy Logistics of Hand Counts
Fear of technology is like any other phobia: the roots of it are grounded in reality, but the expression of the fear ranges from fantasy thinking to conspiracy theories. The recent push for hand-counted paper ballots (compared to hand-marked) is quickly becoming a repository for the fear of technology. There are several reasons why hand-counting exclusively is problematic…

Nothing ‘Authentix’ About It
Recently, the Washington Post ran an article about a new initiative surfacing in at least four states in effort to improve election integrity by making anti-counterfeit ballots. This is a solution in search of a problem that is a waste of taxpayer dollars. We explain why…

With the Election Past; The Clock is Running
With the election behind us, regardless of how you view the results, one irrefutable fact remains... the 2016 general election is absolutely the last election the existing voting infrastructure of this nation can possibly support. Another fact is that the machinery of America's elections is on its last legs (literally)...