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Our timely insights share informed perspectives on the rapidly evolving story of Election Technology, as it unfolds.

Our Midterm 2014 Election Predictions
Disruptions. Glitches. Delays. Oh My! We make our predictions for the voting snags you should expect on Election Day.
Mini-Minnesota in Virginia
I'd like to call your attention to this week's electile dysfunction news, which is about a mini-Minnesota situation in Fairfax County, Virginia. I think it's instructive because it illustrates how some problems with "paperless" voting are actually quite similar to a more old-fashioned form of voting, "paper only" voting, and a mooted new-fangled kind of voting, Internet voting.
Palm Beach Lost Votes: Paper is not the Problem
The dust has settled – sort of – in the “lost ballots snafu” in Palm Beach County Florida, enough that I can correct a very serious mis-reading of the events, and briefly summarize the two completely contradictory “outcomes” of investigation: (1) it’s an accounting problem, not a technology problem, and (2) it’s a technology problem. Either way, the result is a failed election – not just a clouded outcome, but a completely failed election. The very short story: a recount was needed, 3000+ ballots couldn’t be
From Black Box to Conspiracy Theory in Georgia
As a sad example of suspicion arising from current e-voting systems, I'd like you to read a story that I don't really know how to believe -- which is my point.
Arkansas E-Vote Flipping: Force 9 Gale?
It seems like e-voting snafus are like weather: there’salways a bit of a storm somewhere, and now and then you get a big one. Although we can thank our lucky stars that we haven’t had a real hurricane, an electronic equivalent of Florida in 2000, the recent Arkansas vote-flipping snafu might qualify as a force 9 gale.
And because this time it is clear the outcome of the race was also flipped, this case of Arkansas State House District 45 in 2008 might