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2024: Faith In The Future of Democracy
As I observed last year on the eve of 2023, now on the eve of 2024, faith in the future of democracy is something that has been tested in recent years, as we have witnessed some otherwise patriotic Americans struggle with their waning faith in democratic systems. Despite this, we can still have faith in the future of democracy as long as we remain committed…

2023: Faith In The Future of Democracy
Faith in the future of democracy is something that has been tested in recent years, as we have seen many otherwise patriotic Americans struggle with their waning faith in democratic systems. Despite this, we can still have faith in the future of democracy as long as we remain committed…

Observing International Day of Democracy 2022
The goal of International Day of Democracy is to promote and uphold the principles of democracy. Democracy, at its simplest definition, refers to a government ruled by the people through representatives that have been elected by the whole population. Today is the annual day of observance; our co-founder & COO offers some reflections…