News & Insights
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Our timely insights share informed perspectives on the rapidly evolving story of Election Technology, as it unfolds.

Mistakes Are Not Malfeasance – It’s Important to Know the Difference
Protecting democracy means that it’s essential to properly distinguish between “honest mistakes” and more nefarious conditions that could impact election outcomes. Particularly given the speed at which information travels through social media, if voters and the media are not circumspect, they may unwittingly spread mis- or disinformation. Here are some tips to consider…

Mistakes Are Not Malfeasance – It’s Important to Know the Difference
In the current polarized environment, every hiccup and anomaly in how elections are being run is potentially a reason for partisans on both sides to allege “fraud,” “suppression,” or similar claims. Needless to say, all of those conditions are corrosive to democracy, and they need to be rooted out whenever they occur. Concerns about these issues can’t simply be dismissed. On the other hand, responding to every error in election administration as evidence of malfeasance also carries very real risks…