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Election Lies and Dodgy Chatbots
To continue from last time, I’ll pivot from lying Chatbots to dodgy Chatbots. To be specific, I am still keying off of Garance’s fine article about public general-use Chatbots that are emitting falsehoods that deceive and harm voters. So, first let me be specific about lying Chatbots vs. dodgy Chatbots.…

Election Lies, Damned Lies, and Chatbots
With all due respect to the Associated Press (and apologies to Benjamin Disraeli for the irresistible title), I prefer a headline like, “Chatbots Lie to Voters About Elections” better than their recent headline, “Chatbots’ Inaccurate Misleading Responses About U.S. Elections Threaten to Keep Voters From Polls” produced by AP’s Emmy-winning global investigative journalist Garance Burke And that drove me to finally take a moment or three to comment on the substance of Garance’s article…