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OSET Institute Returns to Annual Copenhagen Democracy Summit
For the second year in a row, Joy London, a member of the OSET Institute’s leadership team attended the Copenhagen Democracy Summit at the scenic Harborside Royal Danish Playhouse from June 27th-28th. London, the Institute’s Associate General Counsel & Director of International Development, returned to Denmark, where she continued to build the Institute’s network of global democracy advocates, including several members of the Transatlantic Commission on Election Integrity (TCEI) — an organization, launched at last year’s Summit by the Alliance of Democracies (AoD). Here is her fascinating recount of the Conference…

Recapping the Copenhagen Democracy Summit
The Copenhagen Democracy Summit was held a little over a week ago on June 22, launching a global alliance for democracy, while that very form of government is under siege in many nations. This is the first of several reflections, recaps, and reporting on this inaugural event. Our Director of International Development Joy London, and our Chief Operating Officer, Gregory Miller we’re both fortunate to have received invitations to attend and participate in an invitational group of 250 attendees. Mr. Miller was unable to attend due to logistical conflict, however, Ms. London did in fact attend, and this article utilizes portions of her reporting back….